Fu·ture-Proof (adj) - unlikely to become obsolete
Iconic Firms in the Construction & Real Estate Industry must prepare to manage the rapidly evolving changes that are transforming our industry.
Rapid market change means plans have a shorter shelf life. Staying ahead of the curve is essential in addressing labor strategies, attracting executive talent and implementing new technologies in order to remain competitive & profitable. So, how do you become more resilient while keeping & growing your customer base?
Strategic Planning
Develop 5 Year-3 Year-1 Year Plans to Prepare For Market Changes
Create A Business Development Plan to Sustain & Pursue New Markets
Develop Key Performance Indicators to Track Changes in Your Business
Project Advisory Services
Explore Project Feasibility, Risk Mitigation, & Financing Models
Develop GMP Strategies for Increasingly Complex Development Projects
Navigate Labor Options to Achieve Best Value & Schedule Certainty
Succession Planning
Attract, Develop and Retain Key Executives & Future Leaders
Create a Founder Roadmap to Identify Opportunities for Change in Control
Define Your Legacy for Your Reputation, Your Employees & Your Customers
Connect With Us
450 Lexington Ave, Suite 400, NY, NY 10017
Explore Key Insights
Using Technology & Data Visualization to Help Transform Our Industry
We believe in enhancing our experience with objective data, deep analytics, and real time information. We help our clients use technology and data visualization to transform complex information into simple, understandable, and actionable insights.
Use Real Time Data to Make Decisions
Identify upcoming project opportunities by sector & size
Understand labor shortages & their impact on scheduling
Track lender activity in the real estate industry
Monitor A&E firm assignments & project durations
Enhance or supplement KPIs to enhance performance
Identify sector patterns to manage trends
Knowing when to transition your company to maximize value
Connecting and Unleashing the Full Potential of the New York Market
Our work spans the entire real estate and construction industry. Our strength is our ability to serve, support, and learn from organizations of all types, from developers and contractors to lenders and investors to insurers and the design community. We connect the dots, make key introductions, create new value, and expand the pie.
“A brand is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well”