She insights

Developing Leaders

Today, a founder is faced with an important choice for their company’s leadership team.  Best in class business leaders will assess a coaching or mentoring option for their executives.  Developing and investing in talent within an organization usually results in the ability to retain and attract the best candidates for the firm. 

Developing Your Leaders To Future Proof Your Business

Assessing Team Strengths for Succession Planning

Helping Your Executives Achieve High Performance 

Enhancing Profitability Through Increased Efficiency

Ensuring Healthy Communication & Reduced Conflict

The choice is one that reflects the values, identity  and culture of an organization and should be given great consideration. There are many differences, however, most notable is that coaching is provided by an industry expert, such as Susan Hayes Enterprises.  Mentoring is a key responsibility among internal team members whereby you partner more experienced employee with a less experienced employee.  

As a founder, you may be the best person to lead the business, however, are you the best person to prepare the next leader of your business? Making the right choice here can be the difference between success ad failure for your legacy.

According to the Association of General Contractors 2018 survey, 33% of failed projects are a result of poor communications. A commitment to enhanced communication can begin with a focus and understanding of the the way in which teams communicate

Where do you start? 

The Power of Myers Briggs 

We utilize the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which explores how individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment. This enables a deeper understanding of how individuals process information and how they make decisions. This helps you explore differences in communication styles and potential causes of conflict or confusion. 

How different people make decisions in response to tight deadlines? 

How does your company operate based on key team members preferences? 


Beyond the benefits of the executive team gaining a better understanding of themselves and finding individual opportunities for development, the MBTI can be utilized to explore team dynamics. You can examine similarities and differences to better understand interpersonal dynamics. You can look at where the team is balanced and where there may be blind spots. You can explore how the leader's type can impact different members of the executive team differently creating difficulty. Ultimately, by better understanding your own and your colleagues' preferences and decision making, you can be more efficient and effective.